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Are you looking to manifest your dreams, strengthen your self-love, get a boost of courage, or open up to clearer communication? Learn about the various energies and properties of our stones.


-African Turquoise-
The stone of creativity that helps to open you up to new ideas, discover new opportunities, and explore new paths. African Turquoise guides its wearer towards their intended purpose in life. It is used to strengthen confidence, self-esteem, radiance, and self-respect.

A grounding stone that enhances your self-respect and self-esteem. It gives you courage and initiative when you feel uncertain. Agate can be worn to attract love and to avoid jealous thoughts and ill will. Balances all your chakras.

A stone for courage, protection, and strengthening your intuition. It opens you up to communication and assists you when you have difficulty expressing yourself in the way you desire. Balances your heart chakra.

Creates balance and helps you set boundaries. It is very calming and dissolves negative energies, laying a foundation for good and healthy habits. Amazonite gives you the strength to walk your own path and take responsibility for your life. Balances your throat chakra.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February - a spiritual and calming stone that teaches you to let go and trust. It is soothing and brings feelings of peace, love, and honesty. It helps keep the mind sharp and strengthens intuition.

Provides inner calm and harmony in critical situations by teaching you to see with the heart. It gives you the courage to dare a little extra. Aventurine strengthens your ability to see clearly instead of living in stress and worry. Balances your heart chakra.

-Aqua Terra Jasper-
A wonderful stone for those seeking inner peace, clarity, and love. Aqua Terra Jasper is a healing stone that reduces stress and balances yin and yang within you. Balances your heart chakra.

-Clear Quartz-
Clear Quartz is seen as the foremost of all crystals as it enhances the properties of other crystals when used together. It helps to strengthen our ability to concentrate and has the ability to transport away negative energies while storing the positive ones.

-Picture Jasper-
This stone facilitates inner journeys to specific places or times in the past. It helps you find inner peace, tranquility, and silence. Picture Jasper assists in recalling early memories so they can be understood and processed. The stone also promotes determination and helps you handle challenges and face your truth with honesty. Balances your third eye and your root chakra.

-Flower Agate
This stone illustrates that we all start as small seeds that can blossom into our full potential. It helps you feel calm and allows you to be guided. Flower Agate is a perfect crystal for entrepreneurs who want to grow and thrive in their business. It also suits those starting a new path, journey, or job. It is beneficial to use during meditation.

A grounding stone that strengthens your inner calm and clears away worries. Bronzite has a magical sheen that is said to give its wearer both power, dignity, and respect. It allows you to be more objective so you see the bigger picture and make more informed decisions.


The crystal of the sun symbolizing abundance, joy and energy. Citrine removes negative energy and balances all your chakras

-Crazy Lace Agate-
A powerful stone that fills you with joy, energy, and increases your creativity. Crazy Lace Agate strengthens your confidence and makes it easier for you to let go of control over what you don't need to control. Balances your third eye.

Garnet is January's birthstone and is a grounding stone that helps you live in harmony with nature. It provides security and aids in success. The red color is the color of love, which increases both the sexual and life joy of the wearer by stimulating metabolism and enhancing the ability to absorb nutrients. Garnet activates other crystals and enhances their power. Balances your root chakra.

-Herkimer Diamond-
Herkimer Diamond is April's birthstone and promotes healing. It balances the masculine and feminine energies within each of us and creates balance, harmony, and strengthens unconditional love. Herkimer Diamond can relieve tension while opening up to higher consciousness. It dissolves emotional blockages and attracts joy. Balances your third eye.


Jade is a protective stone of wisdom that attracts love and money. Jade reminds you to enjoy slowing down and smell the flowers.


This stone protects you during travels (both physical and internal). It helps counteract negativity in your environment and supports you in stressful situations. Jasper cleanses and balances all chakras while filling you with courage and determination. Balances all your chakras.

Carry this stone for energy replenishment and healing. Calcite helps remove old unwanted behaviors and energies from your body and life. It strengthens your confidence and boosts self-esteem. Balances the solar plexus and sacral chakras.


Labradorite fills you with energy and gives you a sense of rebirth. If you need to see things in a new light, this stone helps you. Balances the heart chakra and the third eye.

Maifanite enhances your health and brings happiness to your life. Since ancient times, maifanite has been used to preserve youthfulness in its wearer.

This is a healing and spiritual stone with strong feminine energies that attract love. Moonstone is also empowering for emotional balance within you as it is said to have a calming effect on the mind.

White opal has been worn for centuries as a symbol of wealth and can help you manifest a better self-esteem and a healthy ego.

This stone is known for its strong energy, giving you as the wearer strength. River Stone is particularly powerful in malas as it helps you ground and center yourself during meditation. Balances the yin and yang within you and promotes happiness and luck. Balances your root chakra.

Rhodonite is the shaman woman's stone that helps you connect with your inner strength. It connects you with the love of the universe and helps you heal emotional wounds. Rhodonite helps you open up to unconditional love. Balances your root and sacral chakras.

-Rose Quartz-
The stone that has become a universal symbol of love, peace, and harmony. Rose Quartz is called the stone of love as it attracts gentle, positive energies and love in all forms. Balances your heart chakra.


These seeds are said to help alleviate stress and increase our ability to concentrate. The name means 

"Shiva's eyes" and symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth.

-Smokey Quartz-

Smoky Quartz - This stone cleanses you from negative energies while healing and grounding you when you feel imbalanced. It facilitates when you want to turn your dreams and ideas into reality. Balances your root chakra.

This stone is associated with "luck" and happiness. It cleanses, purifies, and activates all your chakras. Sunstone increases intuition and allows your true and authentic "self" to shine through. It relieves stress, increases vitality, and encourages independence and originality. It gives you a stronger "no" and boosts confidence. Balances your solar plexus chakra.

Topaz is known as the stone for true love and success in all endeavors. It stimulates individuality and creativity, supporting your confidence in your own decisions.

Tourmaline clears out negative energies or transforms them into good energy, which is then used to strengthen your body and soul. Tourmaline attracts inspiration and enhances your compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. It removes blockages that may be deep within you.


-How do I choose my mala?-

Trust your intuition. Ask yourself which mala you are drawn to or which one you haven't been able to get out of your mind - that's likely what you need in your life right now.

You can also, of course, choose a mala based on what attracts you visually or by color. Taking the time to let your eyes enjoy things you find beautiful is an important part of connecting with your intuition, whether it's a breathtaking landscape, a piece of artwork, or a wonderful mala. There is power and energy in surrounding yourself with beautiful and inspiring things.

Finally, you can also choose your mala based on a specific intention - what do you want to create for yourself in your life? Where is your focus, and what do you need to shift to get on the right path? What feels heavy or difficult for you right now? What do you dream of? Ask yourself these questions and let the answers come to you effortlessly - sometimes the answer may be something completely different than you expected (and that's completely okay).



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